Providing Help for Caregivers and Patients
Choice is a wonderful thing unless you feel that you have no options. You do not have a choice about Alzheimer’s disease but, you do have a choice about how you respond to the challenges the disease presents. When it comes to how one can manage quality of life, for both the caregiver and the one afflicted with the disease, there are a lot of choices. In fact, the choice is yours; you can proceed with pain or with pleasure.
The pain will come unassisted (the disease won’t go away and it will get worse). Here are instructions for proceeding with pleasure.
It starts with what you want your life to look like now and in the future. In the message box at the right make your first wish list of many that states what you are wishing for right now. Start with the simple things (they truly matter the most). One list for you and one for the person with the disease. It might be as simple as: You-a quiet time every morning to drink coffee (uninterrupted) or a good night’s sleep. Your loved one-for them to be able to do something on their own with success. It is your list and your wish and the sky is the limit-get started. You can have 1 or 2 items or as many as come to your mind-write it down.
Within 24 hours, you will receive a return email with a suggestion to try for each item on the list.